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NFU Submission on Land Use Policy – 2013

In 2013, the Land Use Policy Task Force received submissions from many Island organizations, including the National Farmers Union.

“The National Farmers Union (NFU) welcomes this opportunity to address the Land Use Policy Task Force. As you may know, on April 8, 2013, the NFU made a comprehensive submission to the Carver Commission on the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act. We refer you to that presentation and its appendices. It was notable that during the exercise of the Commission a wide range of community groups and individuals came out in agreement with the NFU positions on the land. In fact, it seemed as though a majority was of the same frame of mind. We are convinced that the attitude/ideology of those who own and control the land is intimately related to how the land is used. Similarly the attitude/ideology of those who develop and implement policies, whether government departments or municipal planning authorities, is intimately related to how those policies play out. Sustainable development means different things to different sectors. We cannot assume that all policy-makers use the same “sustainable development” lens from which to form and implement policy. We cannot assume that farmers all agree on the meaning of sustainable development. This is seen in our varied concepts of land ownership, land use, the role of the market, and the kinds of public policies we demand of governments.”

Download the pdf here.

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National Farmers Union

Prince Edward Island

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