The National Farmers Union (NFU) is sponsoring a forum with the five Progressive Conservative (PC) leadership candidates on the issue of the shifting control of land in PEI The forum will be held at the Murchison Centre, 17 St Pius X Ave, Charlottetown on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm.
The NFU for years has maintained that the weakness of the Lands Protection Act and other land-related acts has caused an alarming consolidation of land in fewer and fewer hands. The land is being excessively used for the profit of the few. This results in the impoverishment of Island lands. There is little hope of curtailing the corporate greed for the control of more land when there is lack of political will on the part of government. The question that the National Farmers Union asks of each of the five PC leadership hopefuls is: How will you exercise your political will to protect the land?
The forum chair is Bill McGuire, well known Island journalist, newly retired. Representing the NFU is its District Director, Douglas Campbell.
All Islanders welcome, especially those who want the protection of PEI lands and who expect MLAs, in government and opposition, to be accountable for the future of the land.