The NFU Region 1 Annual Convention will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26 at the Milton Community Hall. Registration opens at 9:30 a.m. and the convention with adjourn at 4:00 p.m. Registration fee is $20.00 and includes lunch.
This year’s agenda will include:
Katie Ward, National President speaking about agriculture and democracy
Panel discussion on land transactions/recent developments
Discussions about land banks
Report on La Via Campesina North American youth meeting to be held in Rogersville in November
Resolutions on current policy issues may be presented and if passed will be forwarded to the national convention. Elections for two national board members – Women’s Advisory Committee member, Youth Advisory Committee member and an International Program Committee member as well as nominations for a Grassroots Member Award.
We encourage all members to attend. And encourage members to invite interested farmers and neighbours to observe the convention.
Please contact Reg Phelan at 902-961-2428 for information or to make arrangements for childcare.