Tuesday, May 8 from 9 AM – 3:30 PM
PEI Farm Centre, Charlottetown, PEI
With farm planning nearly complete for many growers, this intermediate-level workshop will focus on the practices you can implement during your growing season to pull off your best possible seed crops, including: — isolation – distance, time and barrier — plant populations and why they matter for quality seed — strategies for observing, selecting, and roguing your seed crop — quality assurance after the growing season: germination tests, storage tips, and how to ensure you’ve saved what you think you’ve saved!
Presenter Bio: Chris Sanford and her partner, Garrett, grow and maintain over 150 varieties of vegetables, grains, and flowers at their small diversified farm on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. They have been farming and gardening ecologically for over 15 years, and 2018 is their 10th season growing seeds commercially. In addition to consumer direct seed sales, Chris sells seed through Annapolis Seeds. Chris can speak knowledgeably about on-farm seed production from her experience with dozens of crops including squash and other curcurbits, most brassicas, beans, peas, corn, small grains, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, alliums, herbs, lettuce, and some biennials. Chris works part-time as the Community Gardens Coordinator for the Town of Bridgewater, and has taught workshops in the Maritimes and Northeastern US.
Cost: ACORN Members: $20, Non-members: $30, vegetarian lunch included.
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2018. To register: please email Steph Hughes at seed@acornorganic.org, with your full name, contact phone number, and dietary restrictions. Upon registration, participants will be asked about what crop varieties they are saving seed from so that content can be tailored to their needs.