In this year of Covid-19 the NFU National Convention is going to look much different than in past years. This year it will be a virtual convention, streamed all across the country. The theme of the main Convention this year is Vision 20/20. There are a good number of free pre-convention workshops planned and the main Convention itself will take place from Thursday, November 26 to Saturday, November 28, 2020 inclusive. You can view the agenda for all of this on the National website which is nfu.ca/2020convention.
Kinkora Place in Kinkora has been booked for the main Convention days so that NFU members across PEI can have easy access to watch and participate. In this way, we can get together as a group to be part of Convention. Convention days will start at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26 and 27th and at 1:45 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 28. The keynote address will be given at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 26. by Seth Klein, entitled “The Good War – Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency”. The meetings will be projected onto a screen at Kinkora Place so you will not need a laptop, iPad, etc.
Registration for the free pre-Convention webinars and for the main Convention can be made by contacting the National NFU office at nfu@nfu.ca or by calling 1- 306-652-9465. Registration fees this year are $75 for members which include the farm family, farm unit and associate; $35 for youth members and $100 for non-members. Consideration will be given if cost is a barrier to anyone’s attendance.