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Info Meeting for Retail Fees- Sept 14th

Meeting: Tuesday, September 14th from 6.00 to 8.00 PM EST. (Zoom)

To access the meeting, you will be required to register through the link below, otherwise you will not receive the passcode to access the session.

*Please note that upon registering, you will receive a unique link that should not be shared.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, as well as a calendar invite with the same information that you can add to your personal meeting calendar.


Canada’s Ministers of Agriculture created the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Working Group on Retail Fees to examine fees applied by retailers to suppliers of food products from Canada’s agricultural sector. I am a member of this Working Group. We examined the situation and created a report (Retail fees in the Canadian food industry - Findings of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Working Group on Retail Fees, July 2021) that was discussed at the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers of Agriculture meeting in July. It can be accessed at

The following from the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers of Agriculture: Readout of Virtual Meeting was their response:

Last November, Ministers created the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Working Group on Retail Fees and called on industry to actively contribute to the development of solutions to help ensure that Canada has the appropriate conditions for all supply chain partners to prosper. At today’s meeting Ministers received the findings from the Working Group and called on industry to lead a collaborative process to develop broad consensus around a concrete proposal to improve transparency, predictability, and respect for the principles of fair dealing. Ministers also agreed that alongside the industry-led process, the Working Group will continue to build on the positive momentum and support industry in a constructive dialogue. They have asked for an update on progress before the end of the year and will continue to monitor the issue of fees imposed by grocery retailers to suppliers in order to resolve the issue.

The complete Readout of the meeting can be found at

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