The NFU District One, Region One District Convention will be held on Tuesday, March 19 at Milton Community Hall (March 21 is the storm date).
The theme is Protection of PEI Land.
Registration at 9:30 a.m. Meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. and will end at 4:00 p.m.
Speakers include: Jean-Paul Arsenault who was very involved in the Carver Commission round of public meetings;
Mike Van den Heuvel who is conducting a study on water levels, and will likely speak about high capacity wells, supplemental irrigation, etc.
Laurie Loane from the Agricultural Sector Council who will bring us up to date on various tech. programs available to farmers and farm workers.
Honourable Richard Brown, Minister of Communities, Land and the Environment.
Registration fee of $20 covers noon lunch as well. Assistance for childcare for delegates can be arranged. Call Edith Ling at 902-368-1262 about this.
Resolutions will be discussed and elections held for the positions of District Director, Women’s District Director and Youth District Director.